Do you know how to treat social phobia?

social phobia

Some people suffer from a social phobia in life, and suffering from a social phobia will affect the normal interpersonal interaction of patients, so how to treat social phobia?

What are the dangers of social phobia? Today we will introduce you! Here we will take a look at it together!

How to treat social phobia

Social phobia western medical treatment

1, hypnotherapy:

psychoanalysts hypnotize you, digging deep into your mind or memory to see if you have experienced some kind of embarrassing event, trying to find the root cause of your onset. This therapy takes a long time and is more expensive.

2. Obsessive-compulsive therapy:

The doctor makes you stand on a street with a lot of traffic, or makes you stand in front of the opposite sex, which you are very afraid of, and treats you with obsessive-compulsive therapy using great psychological stimulation.

3, situational therapy:

let you in a hypothetical space, constantly simulate the occurrence of social phobia scenarios, constantly practice repeating the occurrence of symptoms of the episode, the psychoanalyst will constantly encourage you to face this scene so that you from the hypothetical to adapt to this environment that produces anxiety and tension.

4, cognitive therapy:

This is a treatment method that constantly instills concepts. Doctors constantly tell you that this fear is abnormal, let you correctly understand the procedure of human interaction, and teach you some ways to interact with people.

5, drug therapy:

This is currently considered an effective treatment method. It mainly focuses on the fact that your onset is due to a certain chemical imbalance in your body, so certain types of drugs are used to regulate the balance.


1, do not deny yourself, constantly admonish yourself “I am good me”, “I was born to be useful”.

2, do not demand of themselves, what can be achieved to the extent that they can do, as long as they try their best, it does not matter if they do not succeed.

3, do not recall the unpleasant past, the past let him go, there is nothing more important than the present.

Causes of social phobia

1, high alertness

Because of social phobia patients attach extreme importance to the evaluation of others, so the signs of dissatisfaction with others and the performance that may make others have a bad impression are very alert. For example, they will be very concerned about the actions of others frowning, looking at the watch, as well as their own dress and mannerisms are appropriate.

They often focus too much attention on information that they perceive to be threatening and thus will exaggerate the importance of such information. In addition, too much attention to negative information in social interaction can interfere with ongoing social activities and thus reduce effectiveness.

Human attentional resources are limited, and when attention is over-allocated to focus on threatening information from the outside world, the result is likely to be that the current social activity will fail because it does not receive enough attention.
For example, the sudden attention to some of one’s statements is inappropriate, thus interfering with normal thinking, and later becomes unable to continue to answer questions, etc.

This failure will in turn lead to negative evaluations by others, thus exacerbating the social phobics’ fear of social situations and dissatisfaction with their social performance, forming a vicious cycle.

2、Mistaken thinking
Social phobics are characterized by a cognitive profile that exaggerates negative information, and a distorted cognitive state that inevitably predisposes them to negative emotions and weakens their ability to think correctly, leading to a decrease in the accuracy of their judgments, taking distorted facts at face value, and thus misbehaving and overreacting. When people with social phobia encounter social situations that frighten them, their unique way of viewing themselves and others, their one-sided processing of social information, and the faulty logical inferences they make, as a result, predispose them to poor interpersonal development. It is this distorted cognitive-behavioral pattern that leads to a vicious cycle of social anxiety that continues to spiral upward.

3. Personality reasons

Personality itself is afraid of doing things wrong, afraid of interacting with people, and worried that interacting with people others will see some of their shortcomings, which leads to avoidance of society. Do not want to interact with people.

4、Family reasons

From a young age, the personality is suppressed, the parents belong to the captive children, so that the children are not exposed to the outside world for a long time, in a long-term state of persecution, slowly towards the psychological distortion, or parents do not teach them social skills or family relocation is too frequent.

The harm of social phobia

1, emotional harm:

for phobic patients, when fear attacks our emotions are very unstable, patients will appear difficult to control and unnecessary worry, such as the fear that they will do something illegal and disorderly, in the case of mental disorders, etc. so that their emotions are in long-term anxiety, anxiety situation, the harm is far-reaching.

2, conceptual harm:

fear patients often have a moral concept of bondage, the patient will appear certain ideas and performance, for these and feel nervous and distressed, and painful, but can not get rid of. For example, the compulsion to oppose the concept or suspicion, etc., for the patient’s mental health impact is relatively large.

3, intentional harm:

sometimes fear of patients will appear intention and action contrary to the behavior, although patients feel a strong feeling deep inside to let themselves go to action, the intention does not form a certain performance, but for the patient’s physical and mental health has a certain impact, such as doubly nervous, worried or pain.


Social phobia can seriously affect the normal interaction of patients in their daily lives, so how to treat social phobia? And self-treatment method? We all know it after reading the above introduction! I hope the above introduction can help everyone!

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